Naš grad je bio domaćin predstavnicima delegacije iz Severne Irske koji "tragaju" za rešenjem suživota u njihovom okruženju. U video prilogu Josipa Ivanković izjave za medije i utisak Alderman Billy Ashe-lija o Subotici.
Pun naziv ove grupe je CAN Liderstvo & Partnersko učenje. Uključena su 3 grada – Carrickfergus, Antrim i Newtonabbey, osnovana od strane Specijalnog EU Programa „Body for Peace“.
Grupa je sastavljena od 3 podgrupe:
Prva (1.): Izabrani predstavnik (Alderman Billy Ashe) je član „Democratic Unionist“ partije (vodeće političke stranke u Severnoj Irskoj) a ujedno je i gradonačelnik Carrickfergus-a.
Druga (2.): Službenici sve tri opštine.
Oni se rade na programima koji razvijaju dobre odnose u njihovoj okolini i njihova uloga je direktno povezana sa našim (Severno Irskim) Mirovnim sporazumom. U okviru ove grupe takođe imamo i službenike EU Mirovnog programa koji obezbeđuje sredstva za programe koji doprinose miru i pomirenju.
Treća (3): predstavnici lokalnih organizacija civilnog društva iz sve 3 Opštine. Oni rade u lokalnim grupama i grupama koji podrzavaju mlade kao i grupama namenjenim za žene pri čemu pružaju mogućnost da se ljudi u njihovoj okolini međusobno povežu istražujući svoju prošlost i zajedno planiraju svoju budućnost.
Pre otprilike 18 meseci prije Ministar i zamenik ministra Severne Irske (UK) najavio strategiju za Severnu Irsku (UK) koja nosi naziv „Kohezija, razmena i
integracija“ . Strategija obuhvata način na koji ljudi u S. Irskoj žive, studiraju, rade i na koji način se međusobno socijalizuju. Dokumentom je predloženo da potpuna integracija još nije moguće i da bi ljudi u S. Irskoj trebali živeti i studirati paralelno, ali raditi i socijalizovati se zajedno.
Mnogi ljudi iz organizacija civilnog društva (nevladinog sektora) nije se složilo s tom strategijom i zalagalo se za punu i potpunu integraciju koja omogućuje integrisane škole, radna mesta, stambene i socijalne prostore.
Program „CAN Liderstvo & Učenje“ je osmišljen sa ciljem da pomogne liderima da razmotre rizike i beneficije oba pristupa – paralelnog i integrisanog. Ova grupa studira zajedno već godinu dana i ključni deo njihovih studija je ova internacionalna poseta dva grada koji su predstavljaju jedan od dva pristupa. Vukora kao paraleni pristup življenja i Subotica kao integrisani pristup.
Analizirajući iskustvo u Vukovaru i Subotici, razgovarajući sa liderima u oba grada i njihovim građanima, grupa će moći bolje razumeti kako se odluke koje su donete u pogledu strukture zapravo ogledaju u realnosti i na terenu. Takođe, grupa će moći po povratku kući u S. Irsku da razviju diskusiju na strateški dokument „Kohezija, razmena & integracija“.
Ovo je prva u nizu međunarodna studijska poseta za ovu grupu, ali ako oni budu smatrali da je iskustvo bilo dobro i da su uspeli naučiti o tome kako druga mesta funkcionišu ili ne, i da li je to korisno i na koji način postoji osnova za buduću kooperaciju. Imamo nov trogodišnji, Evropski Mirovni program koji počinje na jesen i predlog za taj program razvijaće se u narednih 6 meseci.
Gradonačelnik Carrickfergusa, „EU Peace III“ Partnerski Menadžer, 3 osobe zadužene za odnose na javnošću iz Opštine i konsultant koji radi na „planiranje zajednice za strategiju kohezije, razmenu i integraciju“ želeli su upoznati su gradonačelnike iz oba grada – Vukovar i Subotica.
The broad title of this group is the CAN Leadership & Learning Partnership. It goes 3 towns - Carrickfergus, Antrim and Newtonabbey and it is funded by the Special EU Programmes Body for Peace.
This group is made up of 3 groupings of people: First: Elected Representative (Alderman Billy Ashe) who is a member of the Democratic Unionist Party (the leading party in NI) and he is also Mayor of Carrickfergus.
Secondly: Officers of three municipalities. These officers work to develop 'good relations' programmes in thier areas and their role is directly related to our Peace Agreement. Within this grouping we also have officers of the EU Peace Programme who provide funding for programmes that builld peace and reconciliation.
Thirdly: Representative of locla NGOs from 3 municipalities. These people work in community groups, youth groups and womens groups and creat opportunities for local people to connect with each other, explore thier past and plan for thier future together.
About 18 months ago the First Minister & Deputy First Minister of NI announced a strategy for NI called 'Cohesion, Sharing and Integration'. The strategy planned how people in NI would live, study, work and socialise together. The plan suggested that complete integration was not yet possible in NI and that we should live and
study in parallel but work and socialise together. Many people from the NGO sector disagreed with this strategy saying we should be working towards full shared living with integrated schools, workplaces, housing areas and social spaces.
This CAN Leadership & Learning programme was designed to help leaders look at the real costs and the real benefits of both approaches - parallel living and integrated living. This group have been studying together for 12 months already and now as a key part of thier studies they have this international study visit where they get to see 2 towns
that have made those choices. Vukovar for parallel living. Subotica for integrated living.
By looking at the experinces of Vukovar and Subotica, talking to their
leaders and thier citizens the CAN group hope that they can understand
what their options mean in reality and so in turn come home to NI and
engage more fully in the debate about our 'Cohesion, Sharing &
Integration' strategy.
This is the first of these international study visits for this group but if they feel that the experience was a good way for them to really learn about what other place have done (or not done) and how that has been useful or not useful they may develop links for future
cooperation. We have have a new 3 year EU Peace programme beginning in the Autumn and propsals will be developed for that programme over the next 6 months.
The Carrickfergus Mayor, The EU Peace III Partnership Manager, 3 Good Relations Officers of the Municipality and a consultant who works on 'community planning for the cohesion, sharing and integration strategy' would all like to meet the 2 Mayors. So that will be at least 6 members of the group. There may also be a few of the NGOs who would like to attend as well but I haven’t confirmed that yet.
This is the link to the CAN Peace III site which might be useful
This is the Carrickfergus link:
This is the EU Special Programme Bodies link:
This is the NI Assembly's Cohesion, Sharing & Integration link: