SUBOTICA -- SAJBERJUGA International meeting of The Secretaries of Cyber Yugoslavia SUBOTICA,
25. November
Todays meeting of Secretaries, is some kind of coping the virtual wold created on internet in non virtual real world, in this case in Subotica. This was said on Millenium meeting citizens - secretaries of Cyber Yugoslavia, CY u Subotici.
Physically twenty citizens - secretaries from Subotica attended the reunion, and one colleges from Vukovar (Croatia). Virtually also were present few their peers from Novi Sad and Germany, while the creator of idea, citizens from Belgrade, Zoran Bačić who lives in Amsterdam, over the internet communicated with some of participants. This is also the attempt to search for ideas , which by the technical innovations on the internet could be used for good of this virtual state and their citizens, being virtual or non virtual, anyhow. This was the point of one secretary, part of organizers team.
CY is a Virtual Country, beside this meeting exists only on Internet on this address Officially founded on 09.09.1999 ant currently has 13.375 citizens, which accordingly to the constitution, at the same time also the secretaries of something by their choice.
CY has ciizens from 138 non - virtual states. About the quarter live in todays Yugoslavia, many are from Europe countries and SAD, and in republics from earlier YU. In Subotici lives about one hundred citizens secretaries of CY. On todays opening of meeting musical symbol of CY were proclaimed the song 'Subotica' author's and singer from town, Vladimir Erdeg -- Meda, (The Bear) and he performed it as a temporarily anthem of CY.
Written by Secretary of Empty Mugs of Beer Edited, translated by Secretary of Information
Citizen / Secretary list
Every citizen HAS TO BE A SECRETARY of something. So, when applying for CY citizenship, please specify What are you the secretary of, Your e-mail address, Your full name, Your current citizenship(s)...
Apply for citizenship
Name: Ime: Country: Zemlja: Ministry (English): Ministarstvo (Serbo-Croatian): Citizen since Gradjanin od:
Bjanka Maravić - Yugoslavia Secretary for Coca-Cola Ministarka za Koka-Kolu 7/11/1999
Nikola Tumbas - Yugoslavia Secretary for Information Ministar informacija 7/17/1999
Nenad Konstantinović - Yugoslavia Secretary for Star Trek Ministar za Zvezdane Staze 7/17/1999
Živojin Đorđević - Yugoslavia Secretary for Fruit & Fruit Juice Ministar za voce i vocne sokove 7/21/1999
Aleksandar Boroš - Yugoslavia Secretary for wines Ministar za vina 7/22/1999
Đorđe Vasiljev - Yugoslavia Secretary of affirmative structure entity Ministar za afirmativnu strukturu entiteta 7/25/1999
Boris Cupać - Yugoslavia Secretary for making sad people laugh Ministar za zasmejavanje tuznih 7/29/1999
Aleksandar Vugdelija - Yugoslavia Secretary for wheat and pasta - codename Ministar za brasno i testenine - Sifra 7/30/1999
Mario Marcikić - Yugoslavia Secretary for chicken industry Ministar za pilicarsku industriju 8/1/1999
Igor Išpanović - Yugoslavia Secretary for Hi-Fi Ministar za Hi-Fi 8/2/1999
Maja Turkalj - Yugoslavia Secretary of jokes and fun with pelinkovac Ministar za viceve i salu uz pelinkovac 8/3/1999
Dejan Miličić - Yugoslavia Secretary of Compilers Ministar za kompajlere 8/5/1999
Siniša Ivković - Yugoslavia Secretary for S3 savage Ministar za S3 sevidz 8/5/1999
Željko Buljovčić - Yugoslavia Secretary for fermentation Ministar za fermentaciju 8/5/1999
Mladen Krstin - Yugoslavia Secretary of Civil Buildings Ministar za civilnu Gradjevinu 8/26/1999
Đjorđe Dragojlović - Yugoslavia Secretary of Empty Mugs of Beer Ministar od praznih pivskih krigli 8/28/1999
Viktor Varga - Yugoslavia Secretary of relationalships with aliens Ministar za odnose sa vanzemaljcima 8/30/1999
Robert Ciger - Yugoslavia Secretary Friend Ministar drugar 9/1/1999
Dijana Kopunović - Yugoslavia Secretary of character development Ministarka za razvoj licnosti 9/2/1999
Dragan Grčić - Yugoslavia Secretary for pelinkovac Ministar za pelinkovac 9/2/1999
Ivica Ušumović - Yugoslavia Secretary of Words Ministar reci 9/2/1999
Zoltan Balazs - Yugoslavia Secretary for Unknown Ministar za Nepoznato 9/3/1999
Nemanja Dragojlović Mijatov - Yugoslavia Secretary of Private Air Force Ministar privatnog vazduhoplovstva 9/4/1999
Zlatko Mesaroš - Yugoslavia Secretary of Applied Dark Beer Drinking Ministar za Primenjeno pijenje crnog piva 9/6/1999
Vladimir Krnajski - Yugoslavia Secretary for power systems Ministar za elektroenergetiku 9/6/1999
Radovan Beleslin - Yugoslavia Secretary for recording CD's that nobody listens to Ministar za snimanje CD-ova koje niko ne slusa 9/6/1999
Dragana Nadaski - Yugoslavia Secretary of stolen books Ministarka ukradenih knjiga 9/6/1999
Ivan Vuković - Yugoslavia Secretary of muddy water Ministar za mutnu vodu 9/8/1999
Aleksandar Stanojevic Yugoslavia Secretary for relations with Celts in the World Ministar za odnose sa Keltima u svetu 9/10/1999
Sinisa Ivkovic Ivandekic Yugoslavia Secretary for CB radio and gymnastics Ministar za CB radio i gimnastiku 9/13/1999
Ninoslav Scepanovic Yugoslavia Secretary for protection of grannies and frogs Ministar za zastitu baba i zaba 9/20/1999
Silvester Erdeg Yugoslavia Secretary for instant advices Ministar za instant savete 9/24/1999
Nada Mijatov Yugoslavia Secretary for ex-secretaries Ministar za bivse ministre 10/2/1999
Milos Tosin Yugoslavia Secretary of innosence Ministar za nevinost 10/2/1999
Goran Mustafic Yugoslavia Secretary of Drought Ministar za Promaju 10/3/1999
Dusan Evetovic Yugoslavia Secretary of Palic lake monster, Muddy Ministar za Muljka, cudoviste iz Palickog jezera 10/3/1999
Goran Malavrazic Yugoslavia Secretary for my Sons third tooth Ministar za treci zub mog sina 10/17/1999
Marija Cekus Yugoslavia Secretary for failing to succeed Ministar za neuspevanje 10/18/1999
Branislav Prodanovic Yugoslavia Secretary of State Security and Bruise Making Ministar za Drzavnu bezbednost i pravljenje modrica 10/22/1999
Atila Halgato Yugoslavia Secretary of singing in pubs Ministar za pevanje u krcmama 10/22/1999
Aleksandar Milojevic Yugoslavia Secretary of starship mobile phones Ministar za mobilne telefone u svemirskim brodovima 10/22/1999
Davor Petrov Yugoslavia Secretary for destilates of blue agava Ministar za destilate plave agave 11/3/1999
Boris Aleksov Yugoslavia Secretary for Beer Bubbles Ministar za pivske mehurice 11/4/1999
Arpad Loboda Yugoslavia Secretary for Mechwarrior Training Ministar za Ratnu Robotsku Obuku 11/9/1999
Predrag Vavan Yugoslavia Secretary for Various opinions Ministar za Razlicita misljenja 11/9/1999
Boris Aleksov Yugoslavia Secretary for Zozons Ministar za Zozone 11/14/1999
Maja Race Yugoslavia Secretary of Art of Living Ministar za umetnost zivota 11/19/1999
Tibor Danielfi Yugoslavia Secretary of water and wine Ministar za vodu i vino 11/20/1999
Mladen Bajic Yugoslavia Secretary of Geniuses Ministar za Genijalce 11/27/1999
Balaz Zoltan Yugoslavia Secretary of Trojan horse Ministar za Trojanskog konja 12/4/1999
Mladen Bajic Yugoslavia Secretary for Members of Mensa Ministar za Clanove Mense 12/9/1999
Branko Bajic Yugoslavia Secretary for Fast driving Ministar za Brzu voznju 12/13/1999
Aleksandar Kovac Yugoslavia Secretary for psycopatology Ministar za psihopatiju 12/14/1999
Ilona Ciger Yugoslavia Secretary of luckyness Ministar za srecu 12/16/1999
Monika Kokai Yugoslavia Secretary of nice smile Ministarka za fini osmeh 12/16/1999
Dejan Pavlukovic Yugoslavia Secretary of keeping the refrigerator neat and clean Ministar za odrzavanje reda i cistoce u frizideru 12/28/1999
Beatrica Geric Yugoslavia Secretary for Beatrica Ministar za Beatrica 12/29/1999
Zoran Joka Yugoslavia Secretary for something different Ministar za nesto razlicito 1/4/2000
Dejan Mišcevic Yugoslavia Secretary of Chivas with three ice cubes and soda Ministar za chivas sa tri kocke leda i kisela 1/16/2000
Sanja Mišcevic, rodena mikovic Yugoslavia Secretary of children happiness and laughter Ministarka decije radosti i smeha 1/16/2000
Marko Mišcevic Yugoslavia Secretary of brrm, brrm and Huggies Diapers Ministar za brrm, brrm i huggies pelena 1/16/2000
Monika Ciger Yugoslavia Secretary of White Pigeon Ministarka za belog goluba 1/22/2000
Igor Mamuzic Yugoslavia Secretary of Basses Ministar za bassove 1/23/2000
Istvan Volford Yugoslavia Secretary for DVD Ministar za DVD 1/24/2000
Vladimir Rokic Yugoslavia Secretary of comunications in the case of star wars Ministar za komunikacije u slucaju zvezdanih ratova 1/25/2000
Tomin Tibor Yugoslavia Secretary for rights of other nations Ministar za odbranu prava manjina 1/31/2000
Damir Reves Sabo Yugoslavia Secretary of Eulers Theoremes Ministar za Ojlerove Teoreme 2/9/2000
Virag Edvard Yugoslavia Secretary for Cannabis sativa Ministar za Cannabis sativa 2/29/2000
Tereza Cekus Yugoslavia Secretary for Fuzzy logic control Ministar za Fuzzy-logicko upravljanje 3/7/2000
Gabor Manity Yugoslavia Secretary of Motor racing Ministar za Motosport 3/10/2000
Zolt Sendi Yugoslavia Secretary of rescuing Ministar za spasavanje 3/10/2000
Bela Tumbas Yugoslavia Secretary for Wondering Ministar za lutanja 4/3/2000
Roland Rind Yugoslavia Secretary - I dont know Ministar - ne znam 4/20/2000
Mišo Guljaš Yugoslavia Secretary for Miss CY Competition Ministar za izbor miss CY 4/20/2000
Szilvia Selmeci Yugoslavia Secretary for creative enjoyment of heavy drugs Ministar za creativno uzivanje teskih droga 4/21/2000
Janos Selmeci Yugoslavia Secretary for epilation, depilation and decorative kosmetic treatment of the intimate parts of female body Ministar za epilaciju, depilacju i ostalu kozmeticku dekoraciju intimnih delova zenskog tela 4/21/2000
Attila Szabo Yugoslavia Secretary of making and selling jewels Ministar za proizvodnju i prodaju nakita 6/12/2000
Vera Rokic Yugoslavia Secretary for Fitness Ministarka za Fitness 6/26/2000
Gyapjas Csaba Yugoslavia Secretary of Cooling Machinery Ministar za Rashladnu tehniku 6/26/2000
Milan Radojcin Yugoslavia Secretary of Panonian Parashoot League Ministar za panonsku padobransku ligu 7/9/2000
X.Y. - Yugoslavia Secretary of Ganjamania Ministar za Ganjomaniju 8/18/2000
Milan Radojcin Yugoslavia Secretary of pannonian paraschoot league Ministar za panonsku padobransku ligu 8/22/2000
Srdjan Babuskov Yugoslavia Secretary of black buisnes Ministar mracnih poslova 10/5/2000
Darko Papic Yugoslavia Secretary for bacteria Ministar za bakterije 11/4/2000