Aleksandar Vugdelija

U Eko centru na Paliću danas je svečano otvoren XIX Internacionalni naučni skup SM 2014 sa temom Integracioni procesi u funkciji konkurentnosti i ekonomske efikasnosti. Skup je otvorio prof. dr Nenad Vunjak a specijalni gost je bio Michael Davenport, šef delegacije EU u Srbiji.

Pet, 16.05.2014 - 11:09

SUBOTICA -- SAJBERJUGA International meeting of The Secretaries of Cyber Yugoslavia SUBOTICA,

25. November

Todays meeting of Secretaries, is some kind of coping the virtual wold created on internet in non virtual real world, in this case in Subotica. This was said on Millenium meeting citizens - secretaries of Cyber Yugoslavia, CY u Subotici.

Physically twenty citizens - secretaries from Subotica attended the reunion, and one colleges from Vukovar (Croatia). Virtually also were present few their peers from Novi Sad and Germany, while the creator of idea, citizens from Belgrade, Zoran Bačić who lives in Amsterdam, over the internet communicated with some of participants. This is also the attempt to search for ideas , which by the technical innovations on the...

Sub, 25.11.2000 - 12:00
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