Robertino Knjur
Intervju sa Knjur Robertinom
Prvim među jednakima u Otporu Subotice
14. oktobar 2000, Subotica
Intervju nije klasičan sa mnogo pitanja i odgovora. Više je vrsta priče: kako je, šta je to bilo...
First session of municipal assembly with new delegates. Some photos thanks to photoLady - Bilja Vučković
RTV center Subotica
Meeting with faces from RTV center Subotica. Actually short info for quests, about the schedule for Saturday program on 1900 hrs. hosted by Invanka Ognjenov.
German Shepard
Place: AsTrade - Ribnjak Subotica First revue of german shepards in Subotica in organization of 'Klub odgajivača i ljubitelja nemačkih ovčara' Subotica. Judges were Đorđević Gordan - exterior and Horvat Istvan - sleeve work. Markers were Dautović Milija and Krnjaski Saša. There was 28 dogs in 5 x 2 classes.
TBN - first time ever
Town By Night - report. Never again such report will be seen. Euphoria on the faces of many people.
Iz ovoga je svojevremeno nastao serijal na sajtu TBN