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Svetosavska nedelja

Pon, 02.04.2001 - 19:10 -- nikola.tumbas

Begining of 'Svetosavska nedelja' with opening ceremony and exhibit of pantings by 'Miloje Marković'.

Jovan Kolundžija

Pon, 02.04.2001 - 18:20 -- nikola.tumbas

Jovan Kolundžija - violin with orchestra Subotica in town Hall

Fashion House 'Balašević'

Pon, 02.04.2001 - 16:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Fashion House 'Balašević' from Beograd opened a boutique in Subotica...

Quick chess tournament

Sub, 31.03.2001 - 15:05 -- nikola.tumbas

Tournament in quick chess with 96 players from Vojvodina

Championship of Vojvodina 2001
'quick chess'

Final list
I - Rajko Miranovic 7,5
II - Dejan Leskur 7
III - Geza Sekelj (Spartak) 7
IV - Nikola Sedlak (Spartak) 7
V - Uros Petakov 7
VI - Andjelko Dragojlovic 7
VII - Imre Sic, jr. (Spartak) 7
Info By Ilija
[email protected]


Pet, 30.03.2001 - 23:40 -- nikola.tumbas

Eyesburn concert attracted quite a number of fans in to the Nepker music hall. And on the gallery, the sound was unbearable, so it is good that it was closed.

Easy club Gallery

Pet, 30.03.2001 - 21:25 -- nikola.tumbas

Art, video, music performance by Antonin K. in YUFest

Opera from Split

Pet, 30.03.2001 - 19:30 -- nikola.tumbas

Guests from Opera - Split in our cathedral.Korizmeni koncert


U programu su učestvovali
Žana marendić- Bučević - sopran
Branka Papak-alt
Stefan Kokoškov-tenor
Tatjana Jovanović-glumica
Prof.Olga Račić - za orguljama
Joško Markotić - producent
Info by: Dušica

Proni foundation

Sre, 28.03.2001 - 11:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Institut za socijalne studije
otvara kancelariju u Subotici u saradnji sa Otvorenim univerzitetom.

Opera from Osijek

Pon, 19.03.2001 - 20:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Concert in town hall. Opera soloists members of croatian national theathre in Osijek

Mirko Molnar

Pet, 16.03.2001 - 18:28 -- nikola.tumbas

Exhibit in Bucka Ganyo


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