u prilogu je govor gdina. Gräfa na otvaranju ovog pogona Dunkenmotoren u Subotici. U atačmentu se nalazi govor g. Saboa. Skupu su se obratili ministarka g. Kalanović, ministar dr Dulić (detalj u video prilogu) i gradonačelnik Saša Vučinić (komplet obraćanje)
Dear Mr. Environment Minister
Dear Mayor,
Dear Dunkermotoren-Team of Dunkermotoren Subitica
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I’m glad to be here for the official opening of Dunkermotoren Subotica, a new member of the Dunkermotoren Family.
For Dunkermotoren this was a very short way from decision taking, to implementation, to start of production. Within less than one year from decision to start of production.
Of course, this was only possible with the vital support from a lot of people and institutions. I would like to thank in particular Sasa Vucinic, the mayer of Subotica for the open doors, Jörg Heeskens for opening the doors and his continous support, I want to say thank you as well to Dusko and Branko Guslov, Mr. Radac and the other colleagues from the free zone and Mr Vargas and the colleagues from customs and Mr. Bin from Phiwa and all the other supporters.
We received from all of you the necessary support to make it happen within a very short time. It was not always easy to achieve the results, but finally everybody was in the boat and supporting the settlement.
As you can see Dunkermotoren is already producing motors for sun protection systems in Subotica which are mainly sold in Germany. The production is at the same quality level than our production in Germany and Taicang, China. We are running at around 230 to 250 motors a day. Within a very short time frame we will set up more production lines in Subotica and extend the production. Additionally we already started to set up a development team in Subotica which is supporting our development team in Bonndorf. All together we employ currently 42 people in Subotica. I’m sure this number will duplicate in a short period and continue from there for both, production and development.
Already today we are convinced that Subotica will be a success and it was the right decision to go to Subotica. There is still a lot of work to do and steady efforts are required by our team in Subotica to maintain efficiency and quality to compete with our products on the world market.
I’m grateful for the efforts already spent by the team and in particular by Mr Sabo, Mr. Sel and Mr. Nicolic for the initial set up of Dunkermotoren Subotica.
I would like to warmly welcome the whole team of Dunkermotoren Subotica within the Dunkermotoren Family.
I don’t want to miss the colleagues in Bonndorf who were impressed by the opportunities in Subotica and continuously supported the set up of Dunkermotoren Subotica.
Finally I would like to whish Dunkermotoren Subotica a prosperous future. We are looking forward to extend our business with you.
Let me finally thank all of for joining us today.