Boško Krstić

Mayor had a long speech.

Ned, 01.12.2002 - 00:00

First ARENA ball.

Sub, 16.02.2002 - 00:00

Philharmonic orchestra
Traditional GALA concert for Christmas and New Year. Must be place
in this occasion.
General Sponsor
Stability Pact For South Eastern Europe

Pet, 28.12.2001 - 00:00

Book store Danilo Kiš. Presentation of the book Balkáni babér, and author Tolnai Ottó. Two publisher were also present.


Čet, 19.04.2001 - 19:15

Na Otvorenom univerzitetu promocija knjige 'SUBOTnja ptICA' Tomislava Vojnića. Gost večeri bio je kolumnist Vremena Teofil Pančić, a Darko Kovačević bio je domaćin večeri.

Pet, 17.11.2000 - 19:30

First session of municipal assembly with new delegates. Some photos thanks to photoLady - Bilja Vučković

Uto, 17.10.2000 - 09:00

Book store 'Danilo Kis' alias 'Kod Mirka' was the place of promotion of new book 'Great stylists of Jazz' written by Robert Tili, published by 'Prometej' Novi Sad and introduced by journalists and jazzer, Tomislav Vojnic.

Pet, 12.05.2000 - 18:00

Ground shaking concert of virtuoso Felix Lajko and brass orchestra of Boban Marković. Happening was in crowded discotheque Lifka.

Pon, 10.04.2000 - 23:00
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