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III mini tini fest

Uto, 14.05.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Mini festival with Minja Subota

Town hall...find about this more at

Čet, 09.05.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Počeo Kongres Federalne unije evropskih manjnina Juce je u svečanoj vecnici gradske kuće počeo Kongres Federalne unije evropskih manjina. kojega su otvorili gradonačelnik Ištvan Išpanovic i predsednik Unije Romedi Argint. Predstavnici manjinskih evropskih organizacija će tokom tri dana razgovarati o regionalnoj raznolikosti, modelima prekogranične saradnje i pravnim aspektima zaštite manjina.

Second part of matches

Uto, 07.05.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Second part of the tournament. ( year '90)
1. Subotica I
2. Subotica II
3. Spartak
4.Volleyball 2000
37 girl teams and 6 of boys ~ 300 kids were playing volleyball for two days in down town.
Mack Donalds is here to support this kind of actions.

Day after Orthodox Eastern

Pon, 06.05.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Forty people: kids, babies ans grownups were baptized today.

Street volleyball

Sub, 04.05.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

II time Street volleyball tournament for (years 88-89) was organized in down town in front of the city hall. Sixteen teams from the volleyball schools take part.
The champions are TheSimpsons. And first and second runner up were SU and Volleyball2000.

Happening - trenchtown

Čet, 02.05.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Beginning of something good. Few more makeups and the thing will work in a great scale. Out on the fresh air with fascinating music in the air. Everybody enjoyed,... well almost : ) Sorry neighbors, (loud music) but thats life : )


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