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Salaši koji nestaju

Uto, 17.12.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Gerontološki klub Centar 2
Amateur artist ( 50 years of work) Ruža Tumbas is having an exhibit of her works in pastel technique, next ten days.

New beds : ) in hotel Park

Pon, 16.12.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Hotel ParkPalić
Reconstruction of the upper section of hotel Park is finished. Today was the presentation of 19 (suite, bedrooms, etc..).
Later guests had a Chines se meal in Mala Gostiona
prepared by the chefs from Sečuan restaurant
Novi Sad.

The Best in 2002

Pet, 13.12.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Traditional awards giving ceremony for the best athlete...

Direction - Pelinkovac - Trip to Sibiria

Pet, 13.12.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

Exhibit of the photos organized by the SiSi comp.
And small presentation of the slides from the journey to Siberia by famous photographer from Apatin -Jovan Lakatoš


Uto, 10.12.2002 - 00:00 -- dejan.vukovic

Yu Basket Association representatives came to Subotica to award the Sinalco Co. for the general sponsorship of the YU basketball team. Photos by Dejan. (D&D photo)

Army in action.

Uto, 10.12.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

State of emergency is declared yesterday in our city.Everyone are busy...

Hanuka - Small sinagogue

Sub, 07.12.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas

HANUKA -- Svečanost posvećenja

U Maloj Sinagogi, u subotu, 7. decembra, proslavljen je veliki jevrejski praznik -- Hanuka.

Book presentation

Pet, 06.12.2002 - 00:00 -- nikola.tumbas


U petak, 6. decembra u 1800, predstavljena je knjigu Saša, ciganski pas u izdanju beogradske Zlatne knjige. Autor knjige je Njeno Kraljevsko Visočanstvo princeza Jelisaveta Karadordević
Promocija je održana u amfiteatru Otvorenog univerziteta. Knjigu su predstavili glumci Raša Popov i Katarina Radivojević. Domaćin programa je bila informator dečijeg odeljenja gradske biblioteke Jaka Prka Vujević. Prisutan je bio i predstavnik izdavača Zlatne Knjige Jovan Đorđević.


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