Drum'n'Bass with Sojber.Corp

Pet, 06.05.2011 - 14:30 -- urednik

After a long time, we're back again, and we heard that you were good girls and boys. So you deserved to get a nice present. We brought 2 special members of the Underground Nightlife, so come and enjoy your presents!

the clans of the audio army are:

- WB41 [Revolutionatten] Subotica
- DOMINO [ReDrum] Becej
- Geroxy [NorthSideProject/Sojber.corp] Subotica
- D-Pekt [Sojber.corp] Subotica

after a long, exhausting vote, the entry fell down finally to

----> 50rsd (Y) :D

[this will be invested to make the party more impressive]

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Vreme održavanja - početak: 
Pet, 06.05.2011 - 20:00
Vreme održavanja - kraj: 
Sub, 07.05.2011 - 02:00
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