Legacy Festival u Beogradu

Sre, 28.05.2008 - 15:19 -- urednik

30. i 31.maja odrzace se Legacy festival u Beogradu.


16:00 - 16:45 Septic Flesh
17:00 - 18:10 Vader
18:30 - 19:40 Threshold
20:10 - 21:20 Destruction
21:45 - 22:45 Rage
23:15 - 00:35 Obituary
00:50 - 02:00 Pain of Salvation
02:20 - 03:15 Dark Funeral
03:25 - 03:50 The Stone
Dan 2
16:45 - 17:15 Simargal
16:00 - 16:30 tibia
17:35 - 18:30 Belphegor
18:55 - 20:05 Finntroll
20:30 - 21:30 Unleashed
22:00 - 23:30 Amorphis
00:00 - 01:30 Testament
01:45 - 02:15 Amon Din
02:30 - 03:00 Bombarder
03:15 - 04:00 The Foreshadowing

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