Press centar

Pet, 21.07.2000 - 11:00 -- nikola.tumbas
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Photos around the center place of happening this days on Palic. 'Letnja pozornica', 'Eko centar', 'Abazia' and of course lake. Press center and bulletin editors team

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Post date: Sub, 29.07.2000 - 22:00
Post date: Pet, 28.07.2000 - 11:00

Alexandar Lifka award was given to YU actress Milena Dravić. Later that evening was the projection of Gladiator by Ridley Scott, proved to be a hit movie.

Post date: Čet, 27.07.2000 - 21:00
Post date: Čet, 27.07.2000 - 11:00

During the Palic film festival 'Elitte' every day organize some happenings.This is one of it. 'Palinka Party' for media and film production people, on Roka Tanja on lake 'Ludos' was very tasty and successful.

Post date: Sre, 26.07.2000 - 14:00
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