Izložba fotografija u YUFest caffeu by Kirbus Edvard.
Sjećate li se subotičkog tramvaja?
Ići na jezero s tim posebnim otvorenim automobilima? (Možda ga danas možete vidjeti zahrđalog i nasukanog u Kelebijinoj šumi)
Vjerojatno ne : (
Pa... možda Janjić, tip koji je sanjao da ga vrati na subotičke ulice.
Photo exhibit in YUFest caffe by Kirbus Edvard. Remember the tramway in Subotica? Going on the lake with that special open cars? (You maybe can see it nowadays rusted and stranded in Kelebia woods) Probably not : ( Well... maybe Janjic, guy who had a dream about bringing it back to the street of Subotica.
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